TMC Workforce Solutions Diversity and Inclusion Statement

The TMC Workforce Solutions, Inc  affirm our commitment to diversity and inclusion, and consider this essential traits of an employing community and integral to our core values. TMC is determined to foster an environment of inclusion, diversity, openness, and respect for the many differences that will enrich the TMC community, including race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, socioeconomic status, national origin, language, sexual orientation, disability.

TMC Workforce Solutions, Inc. strives to:

Attract and develop diverse talent at all levels of our organization.

Foster an inclusive workplace culture that helps people achieve their full potential.

Partner with our clients and suppliers to provide opportunities to diverse job-seekers.

Encourages and welcomes respectful dialogue and exploration of diverse ideas, topics, perspectives, and issues to enrich our community.

Promotes equitable access to all in leadership opportunities, and employment

Enhances opportunities by encouraging all to share their cultural experiences and identities, allowing others to learn from this exchange.

Strives to support team members from all backgrounds to foster respect, understanding, awareness, pluralism, and cooperation in an increasingly complex, diverse, global society.